Tips For Maintaining Landscape Plants on Your Property

Keeping landscape plants healthy on your commercial property is essential to preserving the site's aesthetic value, as well as ensuring you retain all the significant structural advantages that come with having landscape plants onsite. Healthy plants require attention and care, and the tips below may help you as you work to maintain an ecologically healthy commercial landscape.

Choose Planting Sites Carefully

Considering a site prior to establishing a planting is essential for the long-term health of that plant. Think about factors like how much sunlight and shade a site receives; how much rain, snow, or runoff a site must endure; relevant details around drainage, soil type, and spacing relative to other plants; and whether any neighboring plants may affect growth. Planning before planting will set your plants up to thrive long-term.

Fertilize and Water Plants as Needed

Get to know the details of your particular plantings, and work to maintain them as needed. Ideally, many landscape plants should require low maintenance, and able to care for themselves based on the elements (like regular rainful, and adequate sunlight). But some plants may need additional attention in droughts or other extreme weather situations, and certain plants may benefit from fertilizer or mulch applications, typically in the fall or spring.

Prune Plants If Necessary

Pruning is sometimes important to maintain the health of a given landscape plant. This is doubly important in a commercial landscape, where you may want to ensure that your plants stay aesthetically attractive and orderly.

Pruning is typically done in the fall or spring, and its importance will vary depending on type of plant. It may also be necessary to prevent close plantings from overtaking each other.

Call Now For Commercial Landscaping Needs

Maintaining healthy plants takes some work, but will make all the difference in your property's attractiveness. Monarch Landscape Companies offers professional services to help you maintain a commercial property. Call now and we can assist you in keeping your land as beautiful and healthy as it should be!